Sunday, March 16, 2008

Canon is the reason!

So, you are probably all thinking, "Lisa sure didn't last long with this blog." Well, I have had a few technical difficulties. After I posted last time, I put the memory card back into my camera and lo and behold, it wouldn't turn on! I kept hoping that it was just a glitch and that it would turn on the next day . . . nope. Well, after about a week, I decided I had better send it back to Canon and have them fix it. I can't really run out to Ritz Camera and drop it off. Well, $107 later, and way too many days of waiting for it to arrive in the mail, I called them to see where it is, as the tracking number showed up with nothing. They didn't send it FedEx because they only have my PO Box number. They sent it with the good old US Post Office. I have no problem with that, as I use the USPS myself. However, they left off a couple of numbers from the tracking number and they can't seem to find the numbers, nor my camera. If it doesn't arrive Monday, I will file a claim and hopefully get a new camera. So, after so many days of cute photo ops and wishing I could share them with you, I apologize.


Anonymous said...

I just mentioned your post in my blog. Really nice!