Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Hannah spent the evening cutting out and writing a personal message on
27 Valentine hearts for all of her classmates. She even did
a few more
for the librarian, secretary, and reading teacher.

She thought this was much cooler than the pre-packaged
ones I picked up at the store. I have to agree.

I felt compelled to make Valentine Cookies for the ladies I visit teach,
as well as
for a few close friends.
I was so happy when Jonah decided he
wanted to help!
It's a good thing I had most of them
rolled out and cut by then,
it would have been a looooooong night!

Jonah had a great time, especially putting
the sprinkles on top. He then helped
me deliver them, as well
as some Valentines he had written
(the afore-mentioned pre-packaged ones)
for some of the cute girls
in his Primary class.

He insisted on holding the
plate when I rang each doorbell.
It was pretty entertaining
when he wished everyone a
"Happy Valentine's Day!"

Monday, February 4, 2008


Hi There Friends & Family!

I hope this new blog will help me keep better contact with those I love & miss.

Until I have a little more time to write in detail, enjoy some photos of my cute kids.

Jonah loves to get dressed up for church. He insists on wearing a tie, in fact, sometimes he wears a tie clipped to his t-shirt on other days of the week.

It is a winter wonderland here in Idaho. This photo was taken before another storm brought an additional 2 feet. We were up on the roof the other day and the snow was eye level to me, and I'm 5'6". Hannah and her friend had a fabulous time jumping off the roof and making huge holes in the snow. Notice the stick in Mayzie's mouth. Some things never change!